Re-Enrollment into the School of Engineering
If you left the School of Engineering at Rutgers University in GOOD STANDING*, it is possible for you to come back to continue an engineering major through re-enrollment. Re-enrollment to the School of Engineering is appropriate for students who:
- Left School of Engineering, and wish to return to Rutgers University to pursue an engineering or non-engineering major.
- Left Rutgers University in good academic standing from another school (such as Arts and Sciences, SEBS, Rutgers-Newark, Rutgers-Camden, etc.), and wish to pursue an engineering major. Please only apply for re-enrollment if you already meet the school-to-school transfer requirements to be accepted into the School of Engineering. In summary students must have already completed Calculus I, Calculus II, Analytical Physics I and General Chemistry I with B grades or higher from Rutgers-Camden or Rutgers-Newark or C+ grades or better from one of the other schools at Rutgers-New Brunswick by the semester of enrollment into SOE and have a Rutgers cumulative GPA of above a 3.00 (for Rutgers-Camden and Rutgers-Newark) and above a 2.50 for Rutgers-New Brunswick.
If you meet one of these requirements, submit a Re-enrollment Application. The application deadline for fall enrollment is August 15 and January 5 for Spring enrollment. With your application, please be sure to upload any important documentation. Re-enrollment Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis. If you have questions that can be handled via email, contact Dean Rosen at
*Notes: Re-enrollment is NOT appropriate if you were dismissed from Rutgers University or do not meet the readmission cumulative gpa criteria. In those cases, you must follow the readmission process for the school from which you were dismissed (SoE Readmission for former SoE students), or apply for re-enrollment at the school at Rutgers for which you were last a student (i.e. Rutgers-Newark, SAS, SEBS, Rutgers-Camden, etc.).
Former School of Engineering undergraduate students seeking to re-enroll at the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers should follow directions to do so at the following page: