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School of Engineering
  • Alumni

Group of students in graduation regalia



Rutgers School of Engineering alumni are making a difference in the world through careers that bring innovation and advancement to a rapidly changing world, meaningful engagement within the engineering community, and a commitment to service in professional and personal lives. Our alumni network of more than 30,000 men and women are working in industry, academia, government, and research institutions and representing through their actions the strength of the Rutgers Engineering program preparing talented leaders in engineering.

Head companies as CEO, COO, CTO, or President
Alumni Strong
Recent Graduates


Our alumni gather for events throughout the year including the Medal of Excellence Alumni Dinner, football tailgate, engineering get-togethers by majors, speaker series, and more.

Scarlet Knight mascot on football field

Stay Connected 

Alumni and friends can stay up on what is happening at SoE by joining our mailing list to receive: 

  • School and Department Newsletters 
  • RU Engineering magazine 
  • Events 

Help us stay current by updating your contact information or sharing your post-graduate activities.

front cover of magzine

Medal of Excellence

The Medal of Excellence Awards event recognizes outstanding School of Engineering alumni at an annual dinner that raises money for student scholarships. Alumni are honored for contributions to industry, research, service, and technology.  

Medal of Excellence 2024 cocktail reception in Weeks Hall

Rutgers Engineering Alumni 

Rutgers Engineering Alumni (REA) is part of the Rutgers University Alumni Association. All graduates of the School of Engineering are encouraged to stay engaged after leaving Rutgers. REA is the perfect vehicle to do that through: 

  • Virtual and in-person events 
  • Networking 
  • LinkedIn 
Scarlet Knight with group of football tailgaters

Support Rutgers Engineering 

When you give to the School of Engineering you are helping us build the future in student learning through scholarships, world-class facilities, a top-notch student experience. There are many ways to give. 

Student holding a scholarship sign
Scarlet Knight mascot on football field
front cover of magzine
Medal of Excellence 2024 cocktail reception in Weeks Hall
Scarlet Knight with group of football tailgaters
Student holding a scholarship sign

Alumni News

Headshot of bald male with eyeglasses wearing a grey suit, shite button down shirt, and red patterned tie.

A 2024 School of Engineering Medal of Excellence recipient of the Dean's Award for Service and Lifetime Achievement, Ken Johnson was celebrated for his contributions to the School of Engineering and his contributions to the satellite industry.

Headshot of Black woman with short dark hair and pearl earrrings, wearing a black suit jacket with a brown sweater.

Whitney Muse, the 2024 recipient of the School of Engineering Medal of Excellence for Distinguished Achievement in Industry, currently serves as the senior policy advisor in the White House Office of Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation.

Headshot of male with white hair and glasses, wearing a blue suit, blue shirt and red tie.

Widely recognized for his research related to the synthesis of inorganic and hybrid materials and the characterization of their electrical, optical biological, and electrochemical properties, his many honors include awards from the Department of Energy for outstanding research in materials science. 

Headshot of male wearing a suit and tie.

Vasant Padmanabhan is a medical technology executive with more than 25 years of global leadership in delivering business results and innovative pipelines in several medical technology segments.

Male wearing a brown sweater with a button down shirt, holding two prosthetic devices.

Jason Maikos is the inaugural director of the VISN 2 Biomechanics Research for the Advancement of Veteran Outcomes (BRAVO) lab at the New York Harbor VA, where he established a clinical research lab that is leading the future of limb loss research.