Lecturer and Co-Adjutant
Lecturer and Co-adjutant Definitions
Lecturer is a part-time employee hired to teach either: a full course (including a laboratory course) for one full semester or to teach a recitation section for a full semester, or at least two consecutive seven-week courses in a semester, and who performs services associated only with that course and is not otherwise Rutgers employee, such as preparation of syllabus, grading examinations and papers, and meeting students during assigned office hours.
Co-adjutants (also referred to as "Co-ads") are individuals who either teach during the academic year and are otherwise regularly appointed employees with a 50% or more Class 1 appointment, or individuals who teach less than a full semester during an academic year. Co-adjutant Non-Teaching Appointments are employees who do research and other non-teaching academic support duties when the individual is hired for less than a semester or for a full Fall or Spring semester.