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Taipei, Taiwan — Governor Phil Murphy today witnessed the creation of new academic partnerships between Rutgers University and National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech), a top research university in Taiwan. The agreements, signed during the Choose New Jersey Governor-led economic mission to East Asia, strengthen academic collaboration and enhance research capabilities for the universities. 

“New Jersey has long been recognized as a bastion for educational excellence,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “Today we are not only strengthening the ties between New Jersey and Taiwan’s educational institutions, we are paving a path for new, game-changing technological breakthroughs.”

Group shot of 14 people.
Representative from Rutgers School of Engineering and Taipei Tech. Seated from left, Rugers-New Brunswick Chancellor Francine Conway, School of Engineering Dean Alberto Cuitino, and Taipei Tech President Sea-Fue Wang.

An agreement was signed on October 20, 2023, by Anthony M. Calcado, Executive Vice President & COO, Rutgers University, and Sea-Fue Wang, President, National Taipei University of Technology, to form a partnership between Rutgers University School of Engineering and Taipei Tech. 

The collaboration between Rutgers University and Taipei Tech propels New Jersey’s reputation as an academic excellence and technological innovation leader.  

“Like Taipei Tech, Rutgers School of Engineering values collaboration as the driver of engineering innovation,” said Rutgers University School of Engineering Dean Alberto Cuitiño, “This partnership leverages our common goal of establishing joint learning and degree programs to enhance global education as well as cooperative research initiatives across engineering disciplines to foster technological advancements.”  

Rutgers–New Brunswick Chancellor Francine Conway said, “Rutgers–New Brunswick is the nation’s number 15 top public university and a home to interdisciplinary research—where the life sciences, engineering, and other fields come together to solve problems and discover new knowledge. We are proud to partner with National Taipei University of Technology and look forward to jointly discovering new innovations and elevating the academic and career paths of our students.”

“This signing ceremony marks a significant milestone as we come together to strengthen the bonds of collaborations with Rutgers University, one of the top higher education institutions in the United States. The presence of Governor Murphy from his tight visiting schedule in witnessing the signing ceremony shows us his emphasis on higher education and collaboration,” said Taipei Tech President Sea-Fue Wang. “Taipei Tech, as the oldest technical school in Taiwan, has been cultivating a significant amount of entrepreneurs to motivate Taiwan’s industrialization. The link of Taipei Tech with the two universities in New Jersey represents the link of Taiwanese companies with international trends of technology. I am confident that our shared commitment to innovation, learning, and progress will yield remarkable results.”

“The partnerships forged today signal that the international community recognizes the strength of New Jersey and its academic institutions,” said Wesley Mathews, President and CEO of Choose New Jersey. “At home and abroad, this agreement will benefit students by harnessing faculty and staff expertise in local and international projects.”