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School of Engineering
Four students standing outdoors wearing red Rutgers Engineering t-shirts.

Engineering Peer Advisor Program 

What is an Engineering Peer Advisor? 

The mission of an Engineering Peer Advisor (EPA) is to help first-year students thrive at Rutgers’ School of Engineering (SOE). EPAs do this in many ways, but most importantly by guiding first-years and helping them feel more comfortable and confident about their decision to pursue engineering. As an EPA your goals include being a bridge between first-year students and their Deans/Advisors, improving their student experience, and building relationships with them and advocating for their growth.   

Interested in Becoming an EPA? 

EPAs are selected based on a variety of factors, including specific GPA requirements, their knowledge of SOE and University resources, and their ability to engage with a diverse group of students. Upon acceptance to the program, EPAs must attend all training sessions and commit about 6 hours/week each semester to participate in a variety of activities like attending EPA Team meetings, holding regular Office Hours, supporting an assigned section of Intro to Engineering (fall semester only), and more.

This is a volunteer position. 

Applications open in March each year and include an interview process. 

Please email with any questions. 

A tall male student, a Black female student, and another male student smile and pose for the camera.