Engineering Curriculum
First Year Common Curriculum
A core curriculum of courses are taken by all first-year engineering students and make up a large portion of the engineering general education requirements.
Foundational courses include calculus, chemistry, physics, programming, English, and other requirements.
Students declare an engineering major at the end of the second semester.
First Year Course Plan
First Semester
14:440:101 Introduction to Data-Driven Design for Engineering Applications (2 credits)
01:160:159 General Chemistry for Engineers (3 credits)
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1 credit) ***
01:355:101 College Writing (3 credits)*
01:640:151 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (4 credits)
01:750:123 Analytical Physics I (2 credits)
Humanities/social sciences (H/SS) elective (3 credits) (Recommended) ****
Second Semester
14:440:102 Integrated Data-Driven Design for Engineering Applications (2 credits)
01:160:160 General Chemistry for Engineers (Chem 2) (3 credits) **
01:640:152 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (4 credits)
01:750:124 Analytical Physics IB (2 credits)
14:440:221 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (3 credits)
Humanities/social science electives (H/SS) (3 credits) (Recommended) ****
Total Credits = 35
*Courses may be taken in the first or second semester. SoE students need to take four classes (12 credits) in the humanities/social sciences to graduate.
** Chem 2 is required for all SoE majors except electrical and computer engineering.
*** Chemistry lab (Introduction to Experimentation 01:160:171) may be taken in first or second semester. Chemistry recitation cannot substitute for a chemistry lab.
**** It is RECOMMENDED that students take one lower level H/SS elective (see Electives tab above for course list) each semester. Electives may be completed at any time before graduation.
General Education Requirements
The Engineering General Education courses include the common first-year courses and some additional courses taken throughout sophomore, junior, and senior years.
Note: Students are expected to complete first-year courses in the first year and sophomore-level courses in the second year. If students leave a first or second year course until later, it causes scheduling conflicts and other issues that may delay graduation, which the deans and advisors will not be able to fix.
01:355:101: College Writing
01:640:151: Calculus 1
01:640:152: Calculus 2
01:640:251: Multivariable Calculus
01:640:244: Differential Equations
01:750:123/124: Analytical Physics 1A/1B
01:750:227/229: Analytical Physics 2A/2A Lab
01:160:159: General Chemistry for Engineers 1
01:160:160: General Chemistry for Engineers 2 (except for ECE major)
01:160:171: Intro to Experimentation
14:440:101: ID3EA I Introduction to Data-Driven Design for Engineering Applications
14:440:102: ID3EA II Integrated Data-Driven Design for Engineering Applications
14:440:221: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
14:540:343: Engineering Economics
4 Humanities/Social Science Electives (chosen from the H/SS list)
Declaration of Engineering Major
All first year students declare a major during the spring semester. Students will register for fall sophomore courses in association with the department of their chosen engineering major. When choosing your courses, you must declare a major. Major declaration is for first year students only. Students who transferred to Rutgers Engineering from a different school (internal or external) DO NOT need to declare a major.
The School of Engineering holds a number of events during the spring semester to help students decide on a major.
General Engineering Course List
14:440:101/102 ID3EA I/II Introduction to Data-Driven Design for Engineering Applications (2 credits, 2 credits) Introduces students to the specific fields of engineering offered at Rutgers through hands-on, interdisciplinary design projects and active learning exercises. Students will learn to identify engineering opportunities, create solutions, develop their use of mathematical and computational tools, and promote progress in their teamwork and communication skills. Students will also be introduced to resources available and the success strategies to support their transition to Rutgers and the School of Engineering.
14:440:107 Methods of Inquiry for Engineers (1 credit) Study skills. A system of thinking strategies and critical and analytical thinking skills applicable across the engineering curriculum.
14:440:127 Introduction to Computers for Engineers (3 credits) Introduction to MATLAB, a powerful programming package for engineers and scientists. Students will learn the fundamentals of MATLAB, how to write programs in MATLAB, and how to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Emphasis on problem-solving skills and mathematical tools of importance in engineering. Prerequisite: Some prior programming experience is preferred.
14:440:221 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (3 credits) Classification of systems of forces and their resultants; geometrical and analytical conditions for the equilibrium of force systems; frames and trusses; friction; parabolic and catenary cables; centers of gravity. Prerequisites: 01:640:151 or 153 or 191; and 01:750:115 or 123 or 203.
14:440:222 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (3 credits) Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies; rectangular, path, and polar descriptions. Relative motion. Kinetics of particles, particle systems, and rigid bodies; equations of motion, principles of work and energy, linear and angular impulse and momentum. Impact. Prerequisites: 01:640:152 or 154 or 192 or 50:640:122 or 21:640:136; and 14:440:221 or 291; and 01:750:124 (or equivalent).
14:440:291 Honors Engineering Mechanics: Statics (3 credits) Covers the same material as 14:440:221 but in a more thorough and demanding fashion. Open only to honors program participants.
14:440:292 Honors Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (3 credits) Covers the same material as 14:440:222 but in a more thorough and demanding fashion. Open only to honors program participants.
Curriculum by Major
After the first year, students take courses specific to their major. Curricular options and course descriptions can be found on department websites. Students should also refer to department handbooks for detailed degree requirements and other related information.
Curricular Options and Links
Honors Academy Curriculum
Engineering Honors Academy students receive instruction at an advanced level in science, mathematics, and writing.
Honors Courses
• Honors Calculus l, ll, lll
• Honors Physics and Physics Lab
• Introduction to Data-driven Design for Engineering Applications I, II
• Honors Engineering Design & Development l, ll
• Honors Statics/Dynamics
• Exposition and Argument
Honors students have several different course requirements in the first two years, particularly in math and science.
During the first year of the undergraduate program, students register for the Honors Calculus sequence, Honors Physics and Laboratory, Exposition and Argument, and Honors Introduction to Engineering. Students are expected to achieve a "B" or better in each of the Honors courses to continue their registration in the program.
During the second year, students will register for the second year courses in Honors Calculus, Honors Physics, and Honors Mechanics.
Honors Course Prerequisites
01:640:151:H Calculus I
01:640:152:H Calculus II
01:640:251:H Multivariable Calculus
01:750:271 Honors Physics I
01:750:272 Honors Physics II
01:750:275 Classical Physics Lab I
01:750:276 Classical Physics Lab II
01:355:103: Honors Exposition & Argument
14:440:291 Honors Statics
14:440:292 Honors Dynamics1
14:440:101 Introduction to Data-driven Design for Engineering Applications I
14:440:102 Introduction to Data-driven Design for Engineering Applications II
14:440:294 Honors Design & Development I
14:440:396 Honors Design & Development II
Honors sections of class must be taken if there is not a separate honors class
1 Only Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental, Industrial, Packaging
Honors Academy Mission Courses
Accordion Content
These courses were developed to enhance the Engineering Honors Academy experience by providing hands-on course work that allows students to acquire and subsequently apply gained engineering knowledge. Students gain confidence and are empowered to succeed in their engineering education with passion, interest, and dedication.
First-year Engineering Honors Academy scholars will enroll in honors sections of the Introduction to Data-driven Design for Engineering Applications (ID3EA) I course in the Fall and ID3EA II in the Spring. Each week, they will have a dedicated session to connect with the Honors Academy community. During this time, they will engage in problem-solving, critical thinking, and explore their personal and career goals. The course features presentations by upper-level students, alumni, School of Engineering faculty, and industry professionals, providing insights into engineering entry points.
2 credits (ID3EA I)
2 credits (ID3EA II) -
Second- and third-year students complete a semester-long project of their choosing applying classroom knowledge to hands-on projects that provide space for creative freedom. Students may take advantage of SoE support and resources, including professional mentors and lab facilities. Selected EHA seniors serve as design advisors, and work closely with the EHA director to create classroom lesson plans, plan, and grade assignments, organize events throughout the semester, and mentor student teams.
1 credit
Honors Academy Community
See how our program can offer students a unique opportunity to reach their full potential inside and outside the classroom.
A good undergraduate education should provide more than the development of technical skills. Electives are classes outside the required curriculum that can complement your technical courses by helping you to develop an understanding of the broader world and cultures, appreciation of the arts, and develop communication skills. Think seriously about your choices, and use them to enhance your educational experience.
Humanities/Social Science & Economics Electives
Humanities/Social Science (H/SS) courses are generally non-technical in nature. Properly chosen, H/SS electives can complement your technical courses by helping you develop an understanding of the problems facing our society, a historical consciousness, a sense of values, knowledge of other cultures, an appreciation of the fine arts, and an ability to think logically and communicate effectively. Think seriously about your choices, and use them to enhance your educational experience. Engineering students are encouraged to complete a minor or even a second major in these disciplines.
- Economics (3 credits) 14:540:343 Engineering Economics
- Writing (3 credits) 01:355:101 College Writing
- Four H/SS electives (12 credits) including at least 6 credits at the 200/300/400 level, chosen from the H/SS Electives list below
Please always check Degree Navigator or consult with your advising dean if you have any doubt about whether you have completed the H/SS & Economics requirement for engineering.
Accordion Content
Traditional, acceptable H/SS subjects include philosophy, religion, history, language, literature, fine arts, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, economics (micro and macro), management (such as organizational behavior), communications, business administration, and law. Courses that instill cultural values are acceptable, while routine exercises of personal craft are not. Consequently, courses that involve practices, performance must be accompanied by theory or history of the subject. For example, Marching Band, Choir, Glee Club or courses such as 07:080:431, 07:700:311, 07:700:312, 01:355:425 are not acceptable.
NEW - H/SS Search on Schedule of Classes
School of Engineering students now have the ability to search the Schedule of Classes for H/SS electives being offered in the current semester. Follow these steps:1. Go to classes.rutgers.edu and select the current semester, New Brunswick, and Undergraduate, then select 'continue'.
2. Click the Core Code tab and select SOE Only: Approved Humanities/Social Science (SOEHS).
3. You can then filter by open/closed, level of study, campus, and other filters.Acceptable subjects and courses:
- 01:013 African Lang & Lit: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:014 Africana Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 223, 224, 341, 342, 460, 490-498
- 01:016 Africana Area Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 301-304
- 01:050 American Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 281-284
- 01:070 Anthropology: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 291-294, 334, 335, 349, 354, 355, 358, 359, 390-395, 495-498
- 07:080 Art: 131
- 01:082 Art History: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 111, 112, 291-94, 345, 462, 473, 491-499
- 01:090 Arts and Sciences: 320, 321, 322
- 01:098 Asian Studies: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:145 Catalan: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:165 Chinese: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:175:201
- 01:185:201
- 04:189: Communication and Information: 101
- 01:190 Classics: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 101, 102, 431, 432, 491-496
- 04:192 Communication: 380
- 01:195 Comparative Lit: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 160, 399, 493-496
- 01:202 Criminal Justice: 201, 203, 301, 310, 311, 312, 322, 327, 405
- 07:203 Dance: 101, 131, 133
- 01:214 East Asian Studies: 241, 242, 310, 338
- 01:220 Economics: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 110, 212, 322, 326, 386, 397-399, 401-410, 421, 490-496.
- 05:300 Education: 306
- 14:332 Electrical & Computer Engineering: 301
- 01:350-354 & 358 English: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:355 English (Writing): 201, 302, 402. Note, if 355:302 is a required for your major, then it cannot be used as an H/SS elective.
- 01:360 European Studies: 301, 401
- 11:372 Environmental Planning: 202, 444
- 11:373 Environmental & Business Econ: 323, 331, 335, 361, 362, 363, 371
- 11:374 Environmental Policy Institution & Behavior: 101, 102, 175, 211, 220, 223, 269, 279, 299, 301, 308, 312, 313, 314, 315, 322, 331, 335, 336, 341
- 33:382 Entrepreneurship: 202, 302, 303, 310, 340, 342, 355
- 01:420 French: All 3-4 credit courses
- 14:440 General Engineering: 404
- 01:450 Geography: 102, 103, 205, 214, 222, 250, 262, 309, 311, 320, 330-338, 341, 342, 361, 363, 370, 405, 413, 470
- 01:470 German: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:489 Modern Greek: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:490 Greek: All 3-4 credit courses
- 10:501 Health Administration: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:505 Hindi: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:506-512 History: All 3-4 credit courses
- 37:533 Human Resources Mgt: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:535 Hungarian: 201, 202, 259, 260, 301, 321, 355, 360, 401, 402, 460, 490
- 11:554 Interdisciplinary Studies - SEBS: 196, 296
- 01:556 Interdisciplinary Studies - SAS: 103, 104, 220
- 01:558 International Studies: 101
- 01:560 Italian: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:563 Jewish Studies: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:565 Japanese: All 3-4 credit courses
- 04:567 Journalism and Media Studies: All Courses EXCEPT 207, 212, 331, 438
- 01:574 Korean: All 3-4 credit courses
- 37:575 Labor Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 250, 385, 401, 450-499
- 01:580 Latin: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:590 Latin Amer Studies: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:595 Latino & Hispanic Caribbean Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 304, 354, 356, 493-496
- 11:607 Leadership Skills: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 383, 384, 388
- 01:615 Linguistics: All 3-4 credit courses
- 33:620 Management: 301, 425
- 33:630 Marketing : 301, 368
- 01:667 Medieval Studies: 281, 282, 388, 481
- 01:685 Middle East Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 480-499
- 07:700 Music: 101, 102, 103, 121, 122, 125, 131, 133, 211-222, 226-238, 244, 290, 292, 295, 296, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 310
- 01:730 Philosophy: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 493-496
- 10:762 Planning & Public Policy (formerly 975-Urban Studies): 101, 201, 202, 233, 303-306, 310, 324, 331, 335, 350, 352, 413, 421, 444, 448, 451, 460, 462, 471, 473, 474, 476, 478, 483
- 11:776 Plant Science: 170
- 01:787 Polish: 201, 202, 259, 370, 401, 402, 470, 475
- 01:790 Political Science: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 250-253, 300, 391-400, 481-498
- 33:799 Supply Chain Mgt: 300, 301, 380
- 01:810 Portuguese: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:830 Psychology: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 200, 210, 300, 323, 395-398, 411, 413, 490-498
- 10:832 Public Health: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:840 Religion: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:860 Russian: All 3-4 credit courses
- 01:880 Science, Technology, Society: 210
- 01:920 Sociology: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 311, 312, 393, 398, 399, 493-498
- 01:940 Spanish: All 3-4 credit courses
- 07:965 Theater Arts: 211, 212, 230, 231, 300, 311, 312, 330, 398, 401
- 01:988 Women’s Studies: All 3-4 credit courses EXCEPT 370, 399, 425, 426, 430, 493-498
If you are interested in taking a non-technical course that is not on the H/SS Electives List, please submit a H/SS request. Please do not submit any courses in STEM subjects including, for example, accounting, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental science, finance, geology, mathematics, physics, statistics, or courses with technical topics like data, analytics, technology, or drafting.
Technical Electives
A technical elective is math- or science-related course that lies outside your major's core curriculum. Engineering students are required to take 2-3 technical electives, depending on your major. Consult with your department for the list of acceptable technical elective courses in your major.
The following courses may count as a technical elective for any major:
- Aresty Undergraduate Research 14:440:392
- ROTC courses 03:692:301 & 302 (together as a single elective)
Departmental Electives
A departmental elective is a course specific to your major. The number of required departmental electives is also specific to your major. See your department for details.
General Electives
A general elective is almost any course offered in the university, with a few exceptions. Most Engineering majors require 3 credits to fulfill the general elective requirements; the Chemical option in Chemical Engineering requires 6 credits.
Courses that are NOT acceptable as general electives:
- Chemistry 01:160:110 through 140
- Computer Science 01:198:107, 110, 170
- English Writing 01:355:096 through 099, 01:355:155, 01:355:156
- Exercise Science 01:377:171 through 180
- Mathematics 01:640:011 through 115
- Any University course with an "E" Credit Prefix