Meet Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Maanvita Doddapaneni
“I love the diversity that computer engineering as a major has to offer. I’ve been able to take hardware-oriented courses as well as software-based courses, which enhances the skills in my toolbox that can be applied to industry.” -- Maanvita Doddapaneni
As a student leader, Maanvita Doddapaneni has worn several different hats. A member of the national engineering and STEM sorority Phi Sigma Rho, she has served as diversity, equity, and inclusion chair, secretary, and vice president of membership development. As an SoE student ambassador, she enjoys showcasing the school to prospective and admitted students. She credits the Engineering Peer Advising program, which she joined as a mentee, moved on as a mentor, and ultimately became a peer advisor, with helping to shape her into the student and leader she is today.

Why Rutgers?
I chose Rutgers because of its community. When I toured it in high school, I fell in love with the different environments each campus offered.
Why ECE?
When I first committed to SoE, I had no idea what engineering was – let alone what major I wanted to pursue. As I went through my first year, I realized how much I liked working with hardware and technology and decided to major in computer engineering with a minor in critical intelligence studies on the cyber track.
Favorite class?
Embedded Systems I was definitely one of the most challenging courses I’ve taken, but it was also the most rewarding. It confirmed my interest in working with hardware in the future.
What most surprised you about Rutgers?
I was surprised by how tightknit the various communities are and by how easy it is to find your niche within such a large school
Have you been involved in any research projects?
As a sophomore, I participated in research for the Network Contagion Research Institute and the National Intelligence University as part of the critical intelligence scholar program. Through these experiences, I could see how I would be able to blend the intersection between national security and computer engineering, which helped me discover my passion for cybersecurity within the clean energy sector.
What are your plans for the future?
After graduation, I’ll be working as a cybersecurity analyst with Constellation Energy where I had an internship last summer. I’ll also be pursuing a master’s degree in cybersecurity from Rutgers part-time. I’m extremely excited about making a difference in the world of nuclear energy.
What will you miss about Rutgers Engineering?
I’ll miss the people and the close-knit community that I’ve been a part of over the past few years.
What would you tell future students?
Get involved! Getting involved within SoE has been one of the best decisions of my college career. It’s helped me to develop professionally and also to create long-lasting experiences and relationships.
What three words best describe your SoE experience?
Challenging. Supported. Rewarding.