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five smiling engineering student ambassadors

Rutgers Engineering Ambassadors

Book a Meeting with an Ambassador

Admitted students can schedule a Webex meeting with an ambassador to learn more about everything the School of Engineering offers. Engineering ambassadors have a lot of information to share from how they chose their major, the student organizations they joined, time management and the pressures of college, making friends, and experiencing all that Rutgers has to offer.

View ambassador profiles below and schedule an online meeting at your convenience.

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  • Student Name

  • Head shot of male college student with crew cut and wearing a black polo shirt.

    Kelvin Guzman-Baez

    Hello! My name is Kelvin Guzman-Baez and I am a senior studying Biomedical Engineering. On campus, I am a part of the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program and the Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHE). I currently serve as the regional student representative for our national organization, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Utilizing these resources to my advantage, I obtained two internships at Medtronic, most recently as a clinical specialist intern this past summer. I chose Rutgers because of the communities through which I've been able to transform myself.

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    Female student with long black hair wearing a black and red Rutgers Ambassador jacket.

    Nabeeha Mamun

    Hi! My name is Nabeeha Mamun and I am a junior majoring in Biomedical Engineering (BME) with a Certificate in Packaging Engineering. On campus, I hold leadership positions in the Society of Women Engineers and the Biomedical Engineering Society, and I am President of the Rutgers Chapter of Alpha Eta Mu Beta (National BME Honor Society). I have also participated in neurodegenerative research and I am a Learning Assistant for a physics course. This past summer, I completed an internship at Merck in their manufacturing division. Happy to answer any questions about navigating your time at Rutgers!

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    Young woman with long light brown hair smiles in a headshot.

    Arabella Chebookjian

    Hey! My name is Arabella Chebookjian, and I am a junior majoring in biomedical engineering with a concentration in prosthetics. At Rutgers, I am involved in the Rutgers Biomedical Engineering Society club, RU-enable, our 3D printing prosthetics club, and the Engineers Without Borders Kenya Project Lead. My favorite thing to do around campus is to go to the Rutgers Cinema on our Livingston campus. I chose Rutgers because of the diverse opportunities this college has to offer.

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  • Female student with short light brown wavy hair. Smiling in a headshot wearing a red and black zip up jacket

    Victoria Axelsson

    Hello! My name is Victoria Axelsson, and I'm a senior studying Chemical Engineering. At Rutgers, I'm involved in the Engineering Governing Council where I serve as the Internal Review Chair as well as one of the School of Engineering student representatives in the Rutgers University Senate. Additionally, I am a Red Pine Ambassador where I have the opportunity to provide tours for Douglass Residential College. Last summer I worked as a Research Engineering Intern at HiT Nano where I assisted in material synthesis and development. I chose Rutgers because of the numerous opportunities for students as well as its prime location for industry connections.

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    Male student headshot. Black hair, wearing a black and red zip up jacket.

    Daniel Gonzalez

    Hey! I am Daniel Gonzalez and I am a junior studying Chemical Engineering and getting a certificate in Packaging Engineering. At Rutgers, I am a member of the Honors College, a member of the Honors Society for Chemical Engineers (OXE), and extremely involved with the Society of Hispanic Engineers where I serve as the Community Service Chair. I had an internship this past Summer at Infineum working with oil and this coming Summer I will be interning at L’Oréal. I choose to stay at Rutgers because it has given me countless opportunities to pursue my goals and has been the place I found my community of people to call this school home.

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    Female student with black wavy hair, smiling at camera wearing a black and red zip up jacket.

    Alyssa Katwala

    Hello! My name is Alyssa Katwala and I am a junior studying chemical engineering. At Rutgers, I serve as the Internal Vice President for the Society of Women Engineers. Outside of engineering, I serve as the survivorship chair for the American Cancer Society. This past summer I completed an internship at GlobalFoundries in Malta, NY. I chose Rutgers because they provide such amazing opportunities to grow professionally, academically, and socially!

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    Female student with blond hair in a bun wearing a red jacket and a black polo shirt.

    Olivia Taylor

    Hi! My name is Olivia Taylor and I am a current junior studying Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Biochemistry, and I also am on the pre-medical track. At Rutgers, I do drug addiction and neuroscience research with a specific interest in gene regulations with substance use disorders. I also am a part of greek like on campus where I served on my sorority’s, Phi Sigma Sigma’s, executive board. I chose Rutgers because it allowed me to take advantage of making a very large school feel very small and very large all at once!

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  • Headshot of female with long brown wavy hair with eyeglasses wearing a black and red Rutgers ambassador jacket.

    Aleksandra Mondrzik

    Hello! My name is Aleksandra Mondrzik, and I am a sophomore studying Civil Engineering. Through the Aresty Research Assistant Program, I am actively involved in microplastic research. As a member of the Rutgers Honors College, I serve as a First-Year Honors Mentor, supporting incoming students in their transition to college life. I am also part of the Society of Women Engineers, where I engage in professional development, outreach, and social events. As a first-generation student, I chose Rutgers for its wealth of opportunities and resources as a Big Ten university.

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  • Headsot of female with long dark brown hair with earrings wearing a black and red Rutgers engineering ambassador jacket.

    Sophia Abbasi

    Hi! My name is Sophia Abbassi and I am a junior studying Computer Engineering with a minor in computer science. At Rutgers, I am a society representative for the Engineering Governing Council, the secretary of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu - the Electrical and Computer Engineering honor's society on campus, a member of the Douglass Women's College, and I am a part of the Rutgers Marching Scarlet Knights where I play the tenor saxophone. Professionally, I have completed two software engineering internships with the US Army in my freshman and sophomore summer. I chose Rutgers because it offered opportunities to do anything I wanted while still receiving a top of the line education!

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    Headshot of female with long brown hair wearing a red and black Rutgers engineering ambassador jacket.

    Sanchita Agrawal

    Hi! My name is Sanchita Agrawal, and I am a sophomore studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. At Rutgers, I serve as the External Vice President of the Rutgers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) where I also actively compete on the Micromouse robotics team. Additionally, I am the Electrical Sub-Lead for a Engineers Without Borders project and a member of the Electronics team for Rutgers Formula Racing. Beyond extracurricular activities, I am involved in research focused on machine learning and neurodegenerative diseases. I chose Rutgers for its extensive research opportunities and for the experience of studying at a large university.

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    Headshot of female with long hair wearing a black zip up jacket with red strips going down both sleeves.

    Jenna Brual

    My name is Jenna Brual and I'm a junior in Electrical Engineering (with a Packaging Engineering Certificate) and primary focus in health/personal care. At Rutgers, I'm the Career Fair Chair (Tertiary) of the Society of Women Engineers, Vice President of "IEEE" Eta Kappa Nu Gamma Epsilon (ECE Honors Society), and Service Chair of RAPS: RU Association of Philippine Students. Aside from my leadership, I'm an active dancer and choreographer for the Asian American and dance communities on campus like RAPS Dance Troupe. As for career, I've been a R&D Global Technology & Design Intern at Colgate-Palmolive since June 2024. I chose Rutgers because of the active, diverse culture and the various communities that support my wide range of interests.

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    Headshot of female with eyeglasses and long brown hair wearing a black Rutgers engineering ambassador polo shirt.

    Rishita Dasgupta

    Hello! I'm Rishita Dasgupta, a sophomore majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at Rutgers. I'm an ambassador for the School of Engineering and the Honors College, a member of the Society of Women Engineers, and serve as Design Chair for the Mobile App Development Club and Publicity Chair for the Engineering Governing Council. I research deep learning in coherent imaging systems, attended Grace Hopper and SWE conferences on scholarships, and will intern at Verizon in summer 2025. I chose Rutgers for its diverse opportunities and communities!

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  • Headshot of male wearing a black polo with Rutgers engineering ambassador logo.

    Piash Ahamed

    Hello! My name is Piash and I am a senior studying Environmental Engineering with a minor in Agriculture and Food Systems.. At Rutgers, I serve as a Project Lead in the Student for Environmental & Energy Development (SEED) Club, where I lead a team in designing and building Arduino-based air quality monitoring devices. I have participated in water quality and microplastics research on campus and completed internships at the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership. I chose Rutgers because of the diverse student population as well as the world-class research opportunities and connections. I plan to continue my education journey by attending graduate school next year.

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    Headshot of female with long black hair wearing a black short sleeve polo with Rutgers engineering ambassador logo.

    Julianne Chan

    Hello, my name is Julianne Chan and I am a senior studying Environmental Engineering. I am the president of the American Society of Civil Engineers and involved in Engineers Without Borders (building community gardens in Camden, NJ), Engineers in Action (building bridges in Eswatini), and Chi Epsilon (the Civil and Environmental Engineering Honors Society). I have interned at Merck & Co. as an Environmental Health and Safety Intern and am a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Hollings Scholar where I interned in their lab in Charleston, SC working on detecting PFAS in coastal ecosystems. I am also a research assistant at Rutgers looking for microplastics in wastewater with the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (and I was named a 2024 Goldwater and Udall Scholar!). I chose Rutgers because of the research opportunities and close mentorship with my professors.

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  • Headshot of female with black hair and a necklace wearing a black polo beneath a black Rutgers engineering ambassador zip up jacket.

    Varshini Bomma

    Hi! My name is Varshini Bomma and I’m a junior majoring in industrial and systems engineering and minoring in business administration. On campus I’m involved with the TedxRutgers team as a logistics director. I’m also part of the first year transition team as a first year transition leader where I helped high school seniors transition into their first year of engineering. I’m the fundraising chair for the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Since freshmen year, I have been part of Society of Women Engineers as a Leaders and Learners Mentor. I chose Rutgers because I was excited to take on all the opportunities it offers!

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    Headshot of female with long hair wearing a black polo under a red Rutgers engineering ambassador zip up jacket.

    Pavani Patel

    Hello! My name is Pavani Patel, and I am a junior pursuing a dual degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering and Economics. On campus, I serve as a Resident Assistant on the Livingston campus, a University Senator in the Engineering Governing Council, and a member of the Engineering Honors Academy. I chose Rutgers because it was close to home and affordable!

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    Headshot of female with long black hair wearing a black and red Rutgers engineering ambassador jacket.

    Nathaly Alpapucho

    Hi, my name is Nathaly Alpapucho. I'm a first-generation student majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering with a minor in Business Administration. I chose Rutgers University because of its proximity to home and because this school offers several research and academic resources, as well as a diverse student community. For the past three years, I’ve been actively involved with the Society of Hispanic Engineers. I've served on their executive board as the Community Service Chair and now as the Historian. I was an Industrial Engineering intern at Americold Logistics LLC, optimizing warehouse operations, and last summer, I interned as a Project Controls Engineering intern with Bechtel Corporation in Kentucky, focusing on cost control and scheduling for a large-scale sustainability project. Outside of academics, I’ve recently started taking swimming lessons, something I’ve been wanting to learn for some time.

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  • Headshot of female with long brown hair with eyglasses wearing a black and red jacket.

    Shivani Sunkireddy

    Hi everyone, I’m Shivani Sunkireddy, and I’m a senior majoring in Materials Science and Engineering with a concentration in metallurgy and packaging. At Rutgers, I am involved in bio active glass research in the Corning Lab where I work on the development of anti microbial glasses. I also interned at Corning this summer at their Wilmington plant as an Optical Fiber Engineering Intern. I serve as the current Materials Advantage President-the MSE based club, and was previous Treasurer and Project Guatemala Lead of Engineers Without Borders. I chose Rutgers because even though it is a big school, there are so many opportunities to find your niche and develop professionally!

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  • Headshot of female with long brown hair wearing a black jacket with red strips down the sleeves.

    Midhat Alvi

    Hello! I am Midhat Alvi, a first year graduate student in the Mechanical Engineering department. I’m from South Brunswick, New Jersey. I’m a 4+1 Masters Student with a focus in Aerospace. Mechanical Engineers focus on design, developing, and testing of mechanical systems. I am also an international student, so I get the best of both worlds. As an undergraduate at Rutgers, I was part of RUAirborne where we manufacture RC aircraft and Rocket Propulsion lab where we built a L2 rocket. As a grad student I am researching Wind tunnel design and fabrication with Professor Edward Demauro. I chose Rutgers because it was close to home, but I grew to love it when I found out about the growth opportunities such as the research I am part of!

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    Headshot of male with short wavy black hair wearing a black and red Rutgers ambassador jacket.

    Manuel Correia

    Hello! My name is Manny, and I am a Master's student studying Mechanical Engineering through the Rutgers 4+1 Program. At Rutgers, I am involved with the Society of Hispanic Engineers, where I served as the External Vice President last year. I have also been a part of the Space Technology Association at Rutgers University, where I had the opportunity to work on integrating Payloads into a small satellite and designing and manufacturing test benches for this small satellite. As an undergraduate, I had the opportunity to research particle filtration through the JJ Slade Scholars program and participate in two internships at Boeing as a Payload Design Engineer and at Aurora Flight Sciences as a Mechanical Systems and Propulsion Design Engineer. I chose Rutgers and continue to select Rutgers because of its plethora of organizations and research opportunities that it offers that help prepare you for landing a great internship/job! 

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    Headshot of female with long black hair and eyeglasses wearing a black and red Rutgers ambassador jacket.

    Trish Gannoju

    Hello everyone! My name is Trish, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a third-year mechanical engineering major with a minor in business administration. I’m a transfer student from Rutgers Newark, bringing insights into different Rutgers campuses. As an international and commuter student, I’ve had a broad range of experiences adapting to new environments. On campus, I’m involved with the Society of Women Engineers, where we support and promote women in engineering. I serve on the Engineering Governing Council, supporting engineering students and student organizations to address academic and campus issues. I have recently finished a marketing engineer internship with ACT Tek, a company that focuses on selling and enhancing security technology for large businesses. I chose Rutgers because of its extensive resources that help you grow personally and professionally. 

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  • Headshot of female with light brown hair with earrings wearing a black Rutgers ambassador polo shirt

    Nora Abdelaziz

    Hello! My name is Nora Abdelaziz and I am a junior majoring in Packaging Engineering with a minor in Music. At Rutgers, I am a member of the Packaging Engineering Club and serve as vice president of Muggle Mayhem which is our school's Harry Potter club. I am also involved with the school's pep band and marching band, where I serve as drill advisor for the piccolos. Last summer, I completed an internship at Sabert Corporation, a food packaging company. I chose Rutgers because they allowed me to pursue my engineering degree while continuing my passion for music. A fun fact about me is that all three of my older sisters have gone through the Rutgers engineering program!

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