Materials Science and Engineering
Our students solve problems related to the design, processing, and evaluation of conventional and specialty materials. We equip students with solid training in chemistry, applied physics, and processing, preparing them for careers in a variety of different fields.
Program Overview
From clean energy and new electronic devices to protection from terrorism and disease, materials science and engineering students draw on fundamental principles of physics and chemistry to design the structure, properties, performance, and processing of novel materials to make a better—and safer—planet.
Instruction from a distinguished and award-winning faculty with expertise in glass, ceramics, polymers, biomaterials, metals and energy storage, prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century. Materials Science and Engineering classes are generally small with hands-on, active and immersive learning opportunities in world-class research facilities, using industrial-level equipment. Our graduates are known to be very well prepared for a successful engineering career and/or postgraduate education in prestigious and highly competitive institutions in the U.S. or aboard.

Degrees Offered and Curricular Options
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering offers the following degree options:
• Bachelor of Science Degree
Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Metals, Polymers, Electronic and Optical,
Energy Conversion and Storage, Packaging Materials,
or individual designed course.
• Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Five-year Dual Degree
• Bachelor of Science/Master of Business Administration Five-year Dual Degree
• Master of Science Degree
• Doctoral Degree

Career Paths
- Development engineer
- Manufacturing engineer
- Production management
- Semiconductors
- Automotive engineering
- Consumer products
- Computer systems
- Medical devices
- Marketing
- Research careers in private sector, Fortune 500 companies, and federal government

Meet Megan Bynoe
"The MSE department has many impressive faculty and research opportunities, all while maintaining a great student to faculty ratio."