Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium (IUEDC)
Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium (IUEDC)
The Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium (IUEDC) offers eligible doctoral students the opportunity to take graduate courses at distinguished universities throughout the greater New York area without additional tuition. Established in 2023, the IUEDC offers students an enormous array of courses and opportunities for contact with faculty and other students in their fields.
The IUEDC is open to doctoral students from participating schools in good academic standing who have completed at least one year of full time study toward the Ph.D. and who have obtained written approval from their home and host institutions.
We will be accepting IUEDC registration for Fall 2024. We are processing IUEDC forms via email. Students must use the writable pdf IUEDC form on this page and their official home institution email address. No handwritten forms or non-school email addresses will be accepted.
Participating Schools
New York University, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering (New York,NY)
Columbia Engineering (New York, NY)
Cornell Tech (New York, NY)
New York Institute of Technology College of Engineering and Computing Sciences (Old
Westbury, NY, and New York, NY)
Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Science (Princeton, NJ)
Rutgers University School of Engineering (Piscataway, NJ)
Stevens Institute of Technology Charles V. Schaefer Jr. School of Engineering and
Science (Hoboken, NJ)
Stony Brook University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Stony Brook, NY)
Enrollment Guidelines
Terminal masters students and doctoral students not enrolled in the participating schools/divisions are not eligible. Only courses offered and conducted during either the fall or spring term may be applied for, and each institution may give preference to its own students when enrollment is limited. Once all necessary approvals have been obtained, students will register for courses at both their home institution and the host institution. Please note that tuition and fees are paid to the home institution, but students will be responsible to their host institutions for any lab fees if applicable.
Each student participating in the Consortium will be entitled to graduate student library privileges at the host institution during the semester such student is registered (consortium students may not be entitled to any of the other benefits and privileges of being a student at the host institution.) Each student participating in the Consortium shall abide by all policies and regulations of the host institution. The host institution shall have the right to terminate the participation of any student in the Consortium, and in any other program, service, or benefit of the host institution, at any time if such student's academic work or behavior is not suitable or if such student violates any policies of the host institution or applicable laws or regulations.
Instructions for Rutgers School of Engineering Students
Completing the Registration Form
- Fill out the [Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium Registration Form] clearly and legibly to ensure accurate registration and grade reporting.
- Provide your full address, contact number, and email, along with all required course information.
Obtaining Signatures
Signatures must be obtained in the following order:
- Rutgers SoE Academic Advisor
- Rutgers SoE IUEDC Consortium Administrator
- Host School Course Instructor
- Host School IUEDC Consortium Administrator
Registering at Both Institutions
- At Rutgers SoE: Register for a Rutgers SoE consortium "dummy" course, [COURSE # TBD], corresponding to each IUEDC course. Ensure the credit points match those at the host school.
- At Host School: After obtaining all necessary signatures, submit a copy of the form to the host school's IUEDC Administrator. Familiarize yourself with the host school's registration procedures.
- Return the completed form to the Rutgers SoE IUEDC Administrator, keeping a copy for your records until your grade is reported at Rutgers.
- Complete all Rutgers registration by the end of the term's Add/Drop period.
- Tuition is paid to Rutgers SoE only.
If dropping an IUEDC course, ensure to withdraw from both the Rutgers SoE "dummy" course and the actual course at the host institution.
- Member schools exchange final grades about four weeks post-semester. If your course is complete and the grade is posted at the host school, no further action is required.
- If your course or grade is pending, coordinate with the host school's IUEDC Administrator to send a transcript to Rutgers SoE. There is no cost for this transcript service.
- Be aware of the host school's policies regarding course completion, especially if you receive an incomplete grade and plan to finish the course later.
Instructions for Students Visiting Rutgers School of Engineering
Completing the Registration Form
- Complete the [Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium Registration Form] thoroughly for precise registration and grade recording. Include your full address, phone number, and email address, along with all relevant Rutgers course information.
Obtaining Signatures
Signatures must be acquired in this sequence:
- Home School Academic Advisor
- Home School IUEDC Administrator
- Rutgers SoE Course Instructor
- Rutgers SoE IUEDC Administrator
Submitting the Form
- After the first three signatures are collected, submit your form as a PDF the form to the Rutgers SoE IUEDC Administrator.
- Allow two to three days for Rutgers SoE to process your enrollment.
Ensure all registrations are finalized by the semester's Add/Drop deadline. Contact the Rutgers SoE IUEDC Administrator for course drops
Your grade will be sent to your home institution about four weeks after the term's end. If your grade is delayed, contact the Rutgers Registrar's office for transcript forwarding.
For more information regarding IUEDC program, contact Prof. Hae Chang Gea gea@soe.rutgers.edu
School Contact Information
Ardie D. Walser, Ph.D. Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Graduate & Undergraduate Studies
(212) 650-8030
Ahmed Mohamed, Professor of Electrical Engineering
(212) 650-6619
The City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031
Jenny S. Mak, Ed.D., Senior Associate Dean Engineering Student Affairs
Graduate Student Affairs
530 S.W. Mudd
Mail Code: 4708
United States
Phone: (212) 854-0757
Jacqueline Klein, Assistant Dean of Graduate Education
2 West Loop Road
New York, NY 10044
Dr. Xun Yu, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Ms. Jane Polizzi, Assistant Dean, Administration and Operations
Northern Boulevard P.O. Box 8000 Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
Racquel Cooper, Assistant Dean, Graduate Academics
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
6 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (646) 997-4056
New York University IUEDC Website
Jenny Smith, Academic Affairs Coordinator
Office of Academic Affairs
The Graduate School
111 Clio Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544
Phone: (609) 258-3168
Princeton IUEDC Website
Dr. Hae Chang Gea, Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Education
Phone: (848) 445-5234
Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering, Suite 405
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
500 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 -8099
Rutgers IUEDC Website
Rainer Martini, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the School of Engineering and Science - Administrator
Phone: (201) 216-5634
Phone: (201) 216-3633
1 Castle Point Terrace
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Stevens IUEDC Website
Melissa Jordan, Assistant Dean for Records and Admissions
Office of the Dean, The Graduate School
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4433
Phone: (631) 632-9712
Stony Brook IUEDC Website