Undergraduate Student Scholarships
Continuing Students
- School of Engineering endowed scholarships are awarded each academic year for continuing undergraduate students only. Given the limited funds, SoE Scholarships are highly selective, and they are not automatically renewable. Students must apply each academic year in order to be considered for a SoE endowed scholarship.
- No applications are needed for the renewal of university merit scholarships (Deans, Promises, Scarlet, National, Carr, Trustees, Henry Rutgers, or Presidential Scholarships), but the students must meet the criteria for renewal.
- For other scholarship or financial aid opportunities, visit Rutgers Office of Financial Aid or explore scholarship opportunities from outside of Rutgers for engineering students.
- Demonstrated leadership activities and services to the community, unmet financial need, and academic merits.
- Continuing undergraduate students (US residents or international); first-year or new transfer students will be eligible to apply after completing at least one semester of full-time study at the SoE in an engineering major.
Demonstrate Unmet Financial Need
- File a FAFSA (U.S. Residents)
U.S. residents are required to submit a FAFSA or a FAFSA Renewal form. If there is a recent change of the financial status at your household, please file for Professional Judgement Request (Formerly Change in Family Circumstances). In the meantime, you can submit an optional financial statement describing the family circumstances.
- Financial Statement (International Students)
International students who are not eligible to file a FAFSA MUST submit a financial statement along with your Scholarship application. International students are required to have sufficient financial support each year in order to receive a student visa. So this statement should describe what has changed financially after you have been admitted by Rutgers. The students are required to provide supporting documents for the stated change of financial status. For example, if you state that a parent has recently become unemployed, then you would need to provide the unemployment document of your parent. If there is a medical emergency related cost in the family, then you need to provide a copy of the medical record.
- The application portal is now closed. The portal will reopen in April 2025 to accept scholarship applications for academic year 2025-26.
- The application deadline for AY 2024-25 SoE Scholarships was Monday, June 10, 2024. The scholarship recipients for AY 2024-25, once selected, will be notified through your Rutgers email (@scarletmail). The notification date is to be determined, but we hope to update the recipients by the week of August 19, 2024 the earliest. Students can always check their official award status through Rutgers Financial Aid Award Status page.
- Study Abroad Scholarships
For questions regarding the School of Engineering Study Abroad Scholarship, please contact Dean Robert Ciervo at robert.ciervo@rutgers.edu, Engineering B100, 848-445-2212.
- School of Engineering Scholarships for Continuing Students
For questions regarding the School of Engineering endowed scholarship for continuing students, please contact the SoE Scholarship Committee at scholarships@soe.rutgers.edu.
Scholarship Renewal
University merit scholarships (Scarlet, Deans, Distinguished Scholar, National, Carr, Trustees, Henry Rutgers, Presidential) are for undergraduate students only. The scholarships are awarded by Rutgers Admissions to first-year students and can be automatically renewed for up to the first four years or eight semesters during the students' undergraduate studies if students meet the renewal criteria. This is different from the School of Engineering endowed scholarships for continuing students. School of Engineering scholarships are not automatically renewable. Students must submit an application each year in late spring in order to be considered for the following academic year.
Check Award Status
- Students can always check their scholarship status through the financial aid status page. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid directly if they believe there are inconsistencies between the award letter and their term bill.
Criteria for Renewal
- University merit scholarship recipients at the School of Engineering must maintain a full-time status by completing 12 or more credits each semester and keep pace with the 4-year curriculum of an engineering program.
- Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better (3.5 or better for Presidential Scholarship) after each spring in order for the scholarship to be renewed in the following academic year.
- For students in the BS/MS, BS/MEng or BS/MBA programs, University Merit Scholarships can only cover the undergraduate portion for up to 4 years. University merit scholarships for undergraduate students cannot be extended to the 5th year (or the 4th year for students who complete their BS degree in 3 years) when students are enrolled as graduate students. Students starting their Master's program can apply for scholarships or financial support through the graduate school.
- Note that unlike the University merit scholarships, the School of Engineering endowed scholarships are not automatically renewable. Students must apply each year in late spring in order to be considered for the following academic year.
Exceptions (for the SoE students only)
- Exceptions can be made for certain part-time students, offering a prorated amount of their university merit scholarship based on the tuition rate and the number of credits they take. These exceptions apply to:
- Graduating seniors who need less than 12 credits but more than half time (6 credits or more) to graduate in their last semester.
- Students pursuing engineering internship or co-op who are only able to registered for 3 or 6 engineering co-op credits during the spring or fall semester.
- No exceptions can be made for students taking fewer than 6 credits, which is considered less than half-time.
- University merit scholarships are awarded for the entire academic year but are applied to the student’s term bill each semester, with half of the total award allocated for the fall and the other half for the spring. If students take a full-time load (12 credits or more) in the fall and part-time (6 to 11 credits) in the spring, they will receive the full fall portion and a prorated spring portion of their scholarship.
- The prorated amount is calculated based on the ratio between part-time and full-time tuition for each semester. Note that full-time and part-time tuition are calculated differently, and full-time tuition is not calculated as 12 credits of tuition.
- The prorated portion will be posted after the add/drop for each semester. Students receiving the prorated merit scholarships will in general not be asked to pay more than they pay as a full-time student. The prorated amount will not exceed the tuition cost, which means under no circumstance will students receive a refund check from the scholarship.
- Graduating Presidential scholars with part-time status living on campus are eligible to receive the R & B portion of the scholarship. Graduating Presidential scholars with part-time status living off-campus, the R & B portion will be prorated based on the number of credits; in which case, the Office of Financial Aid would require a copy of the signed lease. Please note that the commuters are not eligible for the R & B portion of the Presidential scholarship.
Reinstatement Appeal
Students who do not meet the renewal criteria listed above will not have their university merit scholarship renewed for the following academic year. The Office of Financial Aid reviews all student records, update students’ financial aid status, and notify students via email if their scholarship is not renewed. More information about University Merit-based Scholarships is available here.
Students whose cumulative GPA falls short of but very close to the minimum GPA requirement due to documented extenuating circumstances (personal, family, health, etc.) which have impacted student learning during the academic year can submit an appeal. The appeals with extenuating circumstance documentation included must be submitted via email to Dean Peng Song (peng.song@rutgers.edu) within two weeks after the student has been notified that their scholarship will not be renewed.
- Students can also appeal for a reinstatement if they can improve their academic standing to meet the criteria for renewal. The appeals must be submitted within two regular semesters or one academic year after the merit scholarships are dropped. Students are allowed to take summer courses at RU-NB to improve their academic standing, but the courses taken over the summer term cannot be outside of the engineering curriculum just for the purpose to "boost" their cumulative GPA.
Scholarships cannot be retroactively applied to previous semesters due to any circumstances, including grade changes.
School-to-School Scholarship Transfer
The SoE scholarship transfer guidelines are for students admitted to Rutgers-NB in Fall 2022 or earlier. Students admitted to Rutgers-NB in Fall 2023 or after should refer to Rutgers Admissions policy on university merit scholarships or contact RU-NB OneStop with any further questions.
The merit scholarships are not automatically transferable from one school to another at NB because the scholarships are awarded independently by each school at the time of admission based on the high school profile of the students.
School of Engineering may award up to the merit scholarship that students received from the School of Engineering or were eligible to receive based on the School of Engineering standard at the time of their admission to Rutgers. Please note that since different schools may have a different standard for merit-based awards, school-to-school transfer students may lose their scholarships or qualify for a different award with a reduced amount.
Rutgers-NB merit scholarships are awarded for up to the first 4 years or 8 semesters of the undergraduate studies at Rutgers regardless the schools the students are attending.
After completing one semester of full-time study in an engineering major matriculating at the School of Engineering, transfer students are eligible to apply for the School of Engineering scholarships for continuing students.
Merit scholarships from Rutgers Newark or Camden are not transferable to Rutgers-NB.
- For engineering students who are transferring out to another school at RU-NB, please consult with the deans who are in charge of the scholarship programs at the school you are transferring into.
Contact Dean Peng Song at peng.song@rutgers.edu for any questions or for the reinstatement appeals.
First-Year Students
- University Merit Scholarships for incoming first-year students are administered by Rutgers Admissions. For more information on eligibility, application timeline, and appeals, please visit Rutgers Admissions scholarship page.
- After completing at least one semester of full-time study in an engineering major, students matriculating at the School of Engineering are eligible to apply for the SoE scholarships for continuing students.
Transfer Students
New Transfer Students from Outside Rutgers-New Brunswick
- Rutgers offers scholarships to a select number of newly admitted external transfer students. Transfer student scholarships are competitive awards and are based on the academic strength of individual applicants, the overall strength of our applicant pool and available funding. No separate application is required.
- Scholarships for admitted external transfer students are awarded by Rutgers Admissions. For more information on eligibility, application timeline, and appeal, please visit Rutgers Admissions scholarship page.
- After completing at least one semester of full-time study in an engineering major matriculating at the School of Engineering, transfer students are eligible to apply for the School of Engineering scholarships for continuing students.
New Transfer Students from Another School at Rutgers-New Brunswick
- University merit-aid scholarships are not automatically transferable from one school to another, because the scholarships are awarded independently by each school at the time of admission based on the high school profile of the students.
- School of Engineering may award up to the merit-aid scholarship that students were eligible to receive based on the School of Engineering standard at the time of their admission to Rutgers. Please note that since different schools may have a different standard for merit-based awards, school-to-school transfer students may lose their scholarships or qualify for a different award with a reduced amount.
- After completing at least one semester of full-time study in an engineering major matriculating at the School of Engineering, school-to-school transfer students are eligible to apply for the School of Engineering scholarships for continuing students.
SoE Student Emergency Assistance
The School of Engineering emergency assistance funds provide one-time support to currently enrolled undergraduate students who are at risk of dropping out due to unexpected financial emergencies. Before submitting an application, please make sure that you have looked into the resources and emergency support provided by the university:
- Applying for financial support through Rutgers Office of Financial Aid, including support for taking courses over the summer.
- Resources and support from the Dean of Students Office - please make an appointment and speak with a Dean of Students about your emergency situation.
To apply for the SoE emergency assistance funds:
- Students are required to submit a personal statement (in MS Word or PDF format) that will be reviewed by the financial emergency committee. If available, please also include any supporting documents for stated emergency. As this support is intended to be one-time assistance, your statement should include a plan on how you will manage the situation moving forward.
- U.S. residents are required to submit a FAFSA or a FAFSA Renewal form. If there is a recent change in the financial status at your household, please file for Professional Judgment Request at the Office of Financial Aid.
- Funding is not guaranteed and is granted in order of receipt and based on your unmet financial need. SoE Emergency Assistance is one-time support and cannot be renewed.
External Scholarships
These scholarship opportunities for engineering students may be provided by private donors, foundations, government agencies, professional societies or other sources outside of Rutgers. For questions or further information, please contact the funding source directly.
- The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarships funded by the Department of Defense
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation Scholarships
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Scholarships
- American Chemical Society Scholarships
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers Scholarships
- American Society for Civil Engineers Scholarships
- American Society for Engineering Education Scholarships and Opportunities
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers Scholarships
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Scholarships
- National Society of Professional Engineers Scholarships
- Society of Women Engineers Scholarships
- National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Department of Energy Scholars Program
- Department of Energy Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship
- National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund